Wynn Myers is a lifestyle photographer born and raised in Austin. Known for her eye for authentic moments, Wynn loves to capture the beauty and joy in the everyday. Wynn’s love of photography began when a friend introduced her to the high school darkroom.

After attending the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, she relocated to New York City, where she worked for fashion designer, Zac Posen, and attended the International Center of Photography. In 2006, Wynn graduated from the Maine Media Workshops’ Professional Certificate Program. Wynn received her BA in Photocommunications, Summa Cum Laude, from St. Edward’s University in Austin.

Wynn Myers

  • Photographer
  • www.wynnmyers.com
  • Austin, TX
  • WynnMyers
  • Commercial, Editorial, Fashion, Food, Gallery, Lifestyle, Portrait
  • West Elm, Panera Bread, Niemen Marcus, Texas Monthly, Elle
  • American Photography 28, 29, & 30