
Texas Photographers Tackle
the Ultimate Texas Photo Cliche: The Bluebonnet

Via Texas Monthly features bluebonnet photos by seven great Texas photographers, including Randal Ford, Sarah Wilson, Adam Voorhes, Dan Winters and more.

 Asking professional photographers to take pictures of bluebonnets is like asking a concert pianist to play “Auld Lang Syne.” They can do it, for sure—better than you can, no doubt—but what’s the point? When they look through their viewfinders, the Mary Ellen Marks and Dorothea Langes of the world strive to capture people and places that usually escape our notice, or to make the familiar fresh

By contrast, the traditional bluebonnet photograph—smiling siblings posed in matching outfits or sitting in their parents’ laps or hugging their beloved Labrador, all amid a field of purplish blue and green—is an object of sentiment, with artistic ambitions that rank one step above those of the crayon-wrought stick-figure drawings on your refrigerator door.

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