
SXSW 2013 Photo Events

It’s that time of year again! This year’s SXSW lineup has a few great events of interest to photography lovers.

PhotoCamp at SXSW – Presented by Lytro

For 2013, we’re excited to join forces with Lytro to present PhotoCamp at SXSW Create. With unique sessions on the evolution of photography, digital asset management and a Photographer Meet Up, you won’t want to miss this very special day.

The Making of a Meme

From Instagram to LOL Cats to Tumblr, few things on the Internet are more tempting than a picture with a sense of humor or a vintage filter. With more content sharing platforms available than ever before, the ability to share, manipulate and copy images without permission or credit has nearly become status quo. How can traditional photography survive in an Internet world? How can paid professional photographers or content creators get the credit they deserve for their work? When does an Internet meme become bigger than copyright? With a blend of traditional photography experts and Internet enthusiasts, this panel will discuss the development of one photography meme – Texts from Hillary — and how the worlds of the State Department, Time Magazine and Tumblr collided. The panel will also discuss how the culture of filtered photos, re-blogging and beyond can change how we tell visual stories.

Analogue Anonymous

Slow down to 33 1/3 rpm and explore the nostalgic technology that has been revamped and made relevant for the 21st century!

Encouraging retrospective & futurist thinking, our Analogue Anonymous Meet Up will bring together fellow enthusiasts and also introduce all new applications for these beloved mediums. Explore new and current work by United Record Pressing, Nostalgia Film, Tape Op Magazine, Lomography, Heather Curiel Tintype Photography, Fun Loving Photos and the Austin Phonograph Company.

Creating & Keeping a Kickass Photo Community

Photography is the bread and butter of content. Connecting photographers with a community of other photographers has become one of the most valuable and interesting communities on the web over the past 7 years. Sharing methods, curation and creating safe spaces for conversation are more and more important. In this Dual, Flickr and Lomography will discuss what they’ve done, and where they’re headed next.

From 140 to 0: The Rise in Image-Based Marketing

Image-based platforms have exploded in the past 18 months, as tumblr, Pinterest, and Instagram change how we view and share items, and dominant services like Twitter and Facebook continue to adjust to meet this shift in consumption patterns. Experts in this space examine best practices and successful campaigns and peek into the future at emerging trends, such as the upcoming explosion in Social Visual Bookmarking platforms, panoramic photography, and augmented reality.

This special session is part of PhotoCamp at SXSW Create.

Media Management and the Creative Process

The way you store, tag and preserve your media is key to the long-term viability of your creative work. And while this is a technical process, it’s also intrinsic to the creative process. If it’s done well, good media management allows you to add structure to your work – whether its a complex single project, or a long-term body of smaller works.

Whether you are working in still photography, video or multimedia production, there are some universal principles that can guide your technical workflow in support of your creative processes. Peter Krogh helps you understand this tangle of interconnected processes, helping to bring clarity, order and efficiency to your media production.

This special session is part of PhotoCamp at SXSW Create.