Texas Monthly’s TJ Tucker and Photographer Randal Ford Speaking this Weekend
If you’re a fan of great magazine photography and art direction, you don’t want to miss this talk. Award-winning commercial and editorial photographer Randal Ford and acclaimed Texas Monthly Creative Director TJ Tucker will be talking at The Contemporary. TJ and Randal have shot 16 Texas Monthly covers together over the last 6 years, and surely will have lots of great stories to tell!
From Randal’s blog:
We will be discussing my entry into the photographic world, The Amazing Faith of Texas book, our Texas Monthly covers, the ‘making of’ some of my images, and stories both insightful, humorous, and possibly embarrassing. It’s sure to be fun and entertaining. Oh, and it’s free!
12:30 PM – 1:30 PM at The Contemporary Austin – Jones Center.
Jones Center
700 Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas 78701