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Kelsey Foster

How did you get started in photography?
I always loved art, and my dad taught me and my sister how to draw when we were little. However, I didn’t really get into photography until high school when I took a black and white film class at a community college. I fell in love with photo, and also thought it would be easier to make a living doing commercial photography then drawing or being a gallery artist. I was one of those weird students that knew exactly what they wanted to do going into college and never changed their mind. I think that might be a little abnormal, but maybe good abnormal? Not sure!

Do you remember your first camera? The first photo you were proud of?
It was a 110 film camera and I think it actually said “My First Camera” on the package. Pretty sure my dad still has that somewhere…I should look for it. I was super proud of some of the images I took in my first black and white film class, and I still really like some of those. You can really fall in love with photos when you are doing everything manually, with care by delicate hand. They are so much more special that way.

How do you manage the business side of photography? Do you send email blasts and postcards?
I have sent out lots of promo stuff the last few years, and gotten some response, but mainly I get jobs through relationships and people I know, or get introduced to people in the business by way of people I know. If I could go back and tell photography students one thing, it would be to make friends with people in the design program at their school. Those are the people who are going to be hiring you in the future, and those are the relationships you need to make and keep throughout the years.

Personally, I find email blasts annoying, and so I would rather not annoy other people with my own, but postcards and other things are always fun to get in the snail mail, so I will send those out to photo editors and ad agencies. Advertising through blogs and people with lots of social networking followers is a great tool to spread your name out there as well. I got a really awesome job shooting for the University of Minnesota through Twitter of all places, so you never know how people will find you!

 If I could go back and tell photography students one thing, it would be to make friends with people in the design program at their school.

Do you have a rep? Why/why not?
I don’t currently have a rep. I had one for a while a few years ago, and I go back and forth with wanting one and not wanting one. On one hand it would be amazing to not have to deal with invoicing and receipts, but on the other hand I would have to give someone a percentage of jobs. My plan is to just keep doing what I am doing, and if I get a really big job that I am having a hard time handling, I might start looking more seriously for a rep, or if someone approches me, I might think about it.

Do you mainly shoot in digital?
Yes, mostly digital, although, I only had 2 digital classes in college, and shot a lot of film on my Mamiya 645. I still shoot film for fun, but all jobs are usually taken digitally.

What’s your go-to gear?
Those that know me, know that I am the antithesis of a gear head. I am completely content with a only a Canon 5D Mark II and a 50mm 1.2 lens. That’s all I need. As for lighting, just give me the sun. I have always been enamored with natural light, and manipulating what is already available in the scene by way of reflectors and such. I am intrigued by light and watching it play on walls and in spaces throughout the day. I am constantly observing light patterns and reflections…sometimes it’s annoying because I can’t turn that part of my brain off, even when I don’t have a camera in my hand.

Have you spent time living in LA or NYC? Do you think it is crucial?
I lived in NYC the Summer of 2007, and then from 2008-2009, but moved back to Dallas shortly after the economy hit rock bottom up there. I think it is absolutely beneficial to move to LA or NYC, but not necessarily crucial. You are a fish in a MUCH bigger sea, and I have found it easier to establish myself in a smaller pond such as Dallas, where there is still a lot of cool work.The market isn’t as over saturated in Dallas so I am more easily spotted as a photographer. Plus, it is so much cheaper for me to fly to NYC multiple times a year for jobs than to actually live there (clients are usually pay for the flight anyway). However, I do miss it sometimes. NYC is a great city, and I love walking. I’ve been to LA a few times and shot some things, but the traffic makes my whole entity rage and my blood boil (I am not exaggerating). I don’t know how they do it over there. I definitely respect LA dwellers!

Have you spent time assisting other photographers?
When I lived in NYC in 2007, I assisted two photographers and learned so much about how to deal with clients, calculate expense receipts, and just the business side of things in general. It was extremely helpful, and I am still in fairly regular contact with them. However, when I wanted to start shooting on my own I actually found it more helpful to prop style assist. That way I got to meet art directors and people on shoots without being labeled as a photo assistant. Sometimes it is hard for people to see you as a shooter if you meet them while working for another photographer. Plus, you would never ever want to step on the toes of aphotographer you were assisting for or steal their client from them.

So, it’s hard because if you want to say, shoot for Gap, and you photo assist on a Gap photo shoot, it is going to be difficult to escape the photo assistant context in which you met the Gap creative director. Common sense says you should not give your business card to the creative director anyway, because you are working with the photographer. I would never dream of doing that, so it’s almost detrimental to your career to meet clients who you want to work for while being a photo assistant. However, in prop style assisting, I got to meet art directors and sometimes the prop stylist I was working with even promoted me and handed the art director my card. I think photo assisting can be great in lots of ways, but if you want to shoot on your own I wouldn’t recommend doing it for very long.

Sometimes it is hard for people to see you as a shooter if you meet them while working for another photographer.


What is your favorite thing about photographing in Texas?
I think Texas is so versatile in look and feel. You have big cities, flat fields, deserts, hill country, and pine trees! Texas is huge, so it’s nice to have the ability to get in your car and drive! The sunsets are so lovely, and I feel like there are so many different locations and backgrounds to use in photographs.

Do you have a dream assignment?
I love shooting look books, and catalogs, so I would love to shoot some things for Fossil, or more for Anthro. I’ve also always wanted to shoot an editorial portrait for W Magazine. The portraits in there are so pretty!!

Do you have any favorite photo books?
I love love love Sally Mann, and her Immediate Family book.Those images of her kids are so lovely; I could stare at them all day. I have also always been a huge William Eggleston fan, so anything from him is super.

What are you inspired by?
Dappled light, fall leaves, building things with my hands, music, punny jokes, documentaries, and good conversations.

How did you end up working with Anthropologie? What about Pinhole Press?
I sent Anthro a promo and they contacted me about doing some promotional stuff for their Push Play music series. It was pretty awesome to shoot Stacy from Eisley and Sucré. I was a huge fan of Eisley in 2004, and if my 2004 self would have known that I was going to get that job 8 years later I would have not believed it! I have been working with Pinhole Press before they even launched as a company. I few years ago they found some images of mine and bought them to use for their products and company launch. We just developed a relationship and I have been working with them ever since! They are hands down some of my favorite people to work with and it’s been fun hanging out with them on our crazy kid filled shoots. The best was spending a couple days shooting in CT at their amazing cabin, while mini golfing and ice cream eating!

Favorite breakfast taco?
Good to Go Taco. In my opinion, breakfast tacos always need to be in the near vicinity of good coffee, and Good to Go and Cultivar Coffee are in the same place, so double win!

Favorite libation?
A salty dog (grapefruit juice, vodka, and a salted rim!) is probably my favorite cocktail. And of course I am always game for a delicious Shiner, yum.

Do you collect anything?
I collect milk glass vases. I guess maybe that is kind of weird, but I love finding them in antique or thrift stores when I am traveling or on vacation. They are small enough to easily take back home, and they look so pretty altogether. So far I have 16. I used to collect stamps though, and go to a stamp club at a library. All part of being homeschooled I guess!