
In Print Matt Wright-Steel for Tx Monthly and Rigamorale

Matt Wright-Steel recently sent some tear sheets our way. The first tear is from Texas Monthly, April 2013 and the second is Rigamorale Spring/Summer 2013 (Corporate publication for Diamond Offshore). Below is what Matt had to say about each shoot.

TxMonthly Tear:

“At the end of March, I was contacted by photo editor Leslie Baldwin to create an image for their Lead section. Creative Director, Tj Tucker had already comped together an image, which was great as they needed the photo produced and turned around in three days.

Being this is Texas and we have a rather well defined iconography, we needed an old truck with a gun rack and a couple of Texas pride bumper stickers, in particular the “Come and Take It” motto of our independence.

I sourced a truck from a friend of friend who works in construction and had mentioned to me a few weeks back that one of his workers had a great old Ford truck. It never hurts to keep a running mental list of props, locations, and faces. I borrowed a few guns from friends and headed out to a Ranch in Driftwood to shoot.

The driver in the truck is Austin photographer, Evan Prince who works as my assist on occasion; that is his personal LBJ hat.

Post-production was performed by Gretchen Hilmers.

I love this image, it would be a great album cover.”

Click here to read the article.


Rigamarole Tear:

“This  was an interesting shoot.

I was contacted by Houston based agency, Rigsby-Hull to make a series of portraits for Diamond Offshore’s corporate magazine, Rigamarole. The assignment was to make a series of portraits with similar lighting to work I had done for LIVESTRONG a month earlier. The subject was a group of seasoned industry folks, who act as an ‘advance team’ when the company sets up offshore drilling operations in new global territories. These individuals are seldom in the same place at the same time and the art director and company wanted to capture all of them while they were in town, we kept the shoot simple and shot in a conference room at the company headquarters.

I love assignments like this, you get to meet interesting people and rather than having a bloated production team of hair and make-up, stylist, ADs, CDs, etc you get real folks in their own clothes and their own style. It is an enjoyable challenge to get people, who are not often photographed, to relax and work with you to get the moment you need and make them look their best.

Its corporate, but has an approachable modern feel.”