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Call for Entries: SlideLuck Dallas

Slideluck Potshow ©

Dallas planning team is pleased to announce the first ever SlideLuck for the city (click it to submit it)!

Work will be viewed and selected by:

Stacey Clarkson, Art Director, Harper’s Magazine & Jamie Wellford, Senior Photo Editor, Newsweek

The submission deadline, September 30th, is soon approaching!!

The basic criteria is as follows:
-Presentations are a maximum of five minutes each, but most are much shorter. We recommend 15-40 images.
-We accept all types of media, including photography, illustration, painting, and multimedia works. Images are projected in JPEG format.
-Multimedia pieces are accepted, but no short films.
-There is a submission fee of $10. (Artists who have submitted payment for submissions will be waived the $10 entry fee at the event.)
-Please indicate in your Viewbook questionnaire if you are a student and where.
-Each artist who submits will receive a $15 discount on any new Viewbook subscription!

Selections will be made and artists notified at least two weeks in advance of the event. Any work that you submit to Slideluck is added to our database. If you are not accepted for this show, we will consider your work for other upcoming Slideluck events.

Click here to LIKE the Facebook page to keep updated on the latest happenings for Slideluck Dallas.