Call for Entries: SlideLuck Dallas

Dallas planning team is pleased to announce the first ever SlideLuck for the city (click it to submit it)!
Work will be viewed and selected by:
Stacey Clarkson, Art Director, Harper’s Magazine & Jamie Wellford, Senior Photo Editor, Newsweek
The submission deadline, September 30th, is soon approaching!!
The basic criteria is as follows:
-Presentations are a maximum of five minutes each, but most are much shorter. We recommend 15-40 images.
-We accept all types of media, including photography, illustration, painting, and multimedia works. Images are projected in JPEG format.
-Multimedia pieces are accepted, but no short films.
-There is a submission fee of $10. (Artists who have submitted payment for submissions will be waived the $10 entry fee at the event.)
-Please indicate in your Viewbook questionnaire if you are a student and where.
-Each artist who submits will receive a $15 discount on any new Viewbook subscription!
Click here to LIKE the Facebook page to keep updated on the latest happenings for Slideluck Dallas.