Aaron Dougherty
Dallas-based commercial photographer Aaron Doughterty shares some background on his work:
I was drawn to the photography through my fascination of symmetry. At a young age the 35mm frame became a template to fill. I grew up near Chicago which gave me a surplus of industrial design to aim at, it consumed me.
Photographers Lewis, Baltz Bernd/Hilla Becherand and Harry Callahan’s work influenced me to understand that simple can be stark, beautiful and complex in other ways. Texture and shape are paramount to how I light and frame my compositions.
In my commercial work I love to approach a scene with simplicity in mind and emphasize the subtle to not so subtle details that others passively overlook.
I take photographs that create emotional connections and sell products. With 15+ years of experience, I work with home furnishing brands in Texas (and beyond!) who want captivating marketing images and an easy, enjoyable experience.