
New documentary video on neon sign artist Todd Sanders

OG of Luxury Mindz sent us his video project on Todd Sanders of Roadhouse Relics, a neon sign shop based-in Austin.

With nearly two decades of experience under his belt, Todd is completely self-taught and a true master of his craft. His handcrafted art is produced without the use of computer aided design preserving the unique American tradition even further.

Todd’s award winning pieces have appeared in The Museum of Neon Art, films by Robert Rodriguez, Esquire, Texas Monthly, Fast Company, HGTV and Southern Living. Celebrity clientele include Kings of Leon, Shepard Fairey, Norah Jones, Willie Nelson and ZZ Top.

Read below for what OG had to say about the project.

Todd Sanders STORYTLD from LUXURY MINDZ on Vimeo.

“This project was part of my personal short film series entitled STORYTLD (STORY TOLD). Todd and I met a couple of years ago and I immediately knew I’d be producing a short film on him one day. After spending the next couple of years traveling non-stop and touring with artists, I finally had the time to make it happen.

So many people out there can relate to Todd’s story and I knew it would provide them with reassurance to never quit as they work to develop their own.” – OG, Luxury Mindz