A Look Back at the 2013 Texas Photo Roundup!
We’re excited to share this video of the 2013 Texas Photo Roundup with you! The Roundup was three days of workshops, panels, talks and parties, including the fantastic outdoor slideshow and potluck, Slideluck.
Huge thanks to Dennis Burnett and Natalie Cass for making the video.
A look back at the 2013 Texas Photo Roundup from ILoveTexasPhoto on Vimeo.
The TPR team (which is made up of the Austin Center for Photography, ASMP’s Austin/San Antonio chapter and ILTP) are working on the 2014 Roundup.
Please let us know who you would love to see talk or teach a workshop. And of course, we are always looking for sponsors to support the festival!
Email us at info@texasphotoroundup.com with questions or comments.
thanks and see you in Austin in 2014!