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Bonnie Markel

Bonnie Markel is a talented wardrobe and prop stylist living in Austin, Texas. Bonnie’s work extends from advertisements for clients like Wal-Mart and Target to dressing Beyonce for Texas Monthly.

How did you get started?
I was a photo assistant

Do you have a mentor in the field?
Robb Kendrick

What has been your best career decision?
To always keep the door open and try new things.

always keep the door open and try new things

What is your favorite thing about styling in Texas?
The creative, easy vibe of all the people I work with.

How do you stay motivated?
I’m a curious person and life seems very short.

I’m a curious person and life seems very short.

What was your first big break?
I do not feel like it was one thing or job.

Who are you inspired by?
Valentino, Alexander McQween, Robert Frank, William Eggleston, my parents, my children.

What’s next? Any exciting projects coming up in 2012?
It’s always something new, never really repeats

Favorite breakfast tacos?
Toss up. Taco Deli & Maria’s

Favorite libation?
Tito’s and soda

Do you collect anything?
Old cameras and vintage jewelry